Thursday, January 6, 2011

SHAKTI: The Power of Strength

Namaste!  I'm Jyothi, your resident yogini-in-training.  My speciality is strength, and lucky for you, I have compiled loads of information that can help you gain core muscle strength AND mental strength through yoga.  Now, don't be intimidated - yoga is an art that everyone can do!  It's an exercise that provides diverse and self-fulfilling workouts without the strain afterwards.  Yoga is a way to escape and relax - my favorite strength poses are the Warrior poses, and I feel the most relaxed when practicing these in the California mountains.  During my training from the great yoga guru Rodney Yee, I have learned that the philosophy of yoga is something you can apply to your everyday life - it's more than a way to get into shape physically, but also a way to better yourself mentally.      
In terms of strength, yoga works to strengthen your core muscles.  These muscles (lower back, abdomen and hips) are incredibly important as they provide a solid foundation for movement in the body.  As we go about daily life, studies have shown that our core muscles act as hinges when the rest of our musculoskeletal system flexes, meaning that they receive the most impact when our bodies are stressed.  Poor posture, muscle pain, and injury are all due to a weakened core because our bodies are not conditioned to move as efficiently.  While yoga works to bring your core muscles to an optimal fitness level in order to promote healthy movement, many students do not fully understand what “core strength” entails.  At first thought, “core strength” is associated with the rectus abdominus – the muscle that creates the appearance of the six-pack, however, the deeper abdomen muscle is actually providing more strength and stability.  In fact, more than the abdominal muscles, the respiratory diaphragm is really at the core of our bodies.  The diaphragm is perhaps the most important aspect of yoga as it initiates every breath.  Overall, gaining core muscle strength gives our bodies the ultimate strength, both mentally and physically.       
Yoga not only provides physical strength, it also instills mental strength through the promotion of relaxation and emotional control.  While verbal expression is key to dealing with emotional problems, body-based therapeutic practices are also effective.  Yoga helps to alleviate common symptoms of anxiety, depression and chronic stress: anxiety and depression begin with the fight-or-flight reflex while chronic stress causes muscle tension and stiffness.  Because yoga promotes reaching a meditative state of mind while practicing stress reduction through the relaxation of muscle and joint groups, the fight-or-flight reflex and muscle tension or stiffness is often eliminated.  In fact, leading therapists have discovered a series of therapeutic poses that better results for difficult-to-treat patients due to the mixture of relaxed and action-oriented techniques.  The philosophy of yoga strives to unify the mind and body – gaining the ability to integrate yourself with your environment allows you to better cope with stressful situations and take pleasure in your life.  Instead of relying on medications which cost money, are risky and may cause side effects, yoga is free of charge, safe and delivers empowerment of the mind, body AND soul.     
Yoga is an exercise that can provide toning and strengthening of the muscles without inducing any strain on joints.  The following yoga poses help gain muscle strength and endurance!
Plank: Works to strengthen your upper body and lower back muscles.
1.       Lie face down on the mat.
2.       Lift body upward, so weight is distributed evenly onto your toes and forearms.
3.       Keep your back straight and stomach pulled in as you hold the pose for at least 10 seconds.
4.       Relax and repeat.   
Plank Pose

Lightning Bolt: Works to tone the shoulders, back, buttocks and legs.
1.       Stand with feet close together and arms stretched over your head.   Palms should be placed against each other.
2.       Slowly bend your knees forward while lowering your body until your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible (same motion as sitting in a chair).
3.       Lean forward and raise your arms above you, stretching towards the ceiling.
4.       Hold pose for at least 5 seconds, then raise yourself to standing position.  Repeat 3 – 5 times.   

Lightning Bolt Pose

Warrior Poses:  A set of three poses that work to strengthen lower back muscles, hips and legs.
Warrior I
1.     Stand with feet close together.
2.     Bend your left leg into lunge position until your thigh is perpendicular to the mat. 
3.     Raise your arms above your heard (palms turned inwards) while pressing your shoulder blades downward.  Keep  your stomach pulled in and back straight.
4.     Hold pose for 10 – 15 seconds, then return to standing position.  Repeat, this time bending right leg into lunge position.
Warrior I Pose

Warrior II

1.       From Warrior I pose, swivel upper body as you open your arms out.  Your shoulders should be directly over your hips. 
2.       Keep your knee bent and thigh perpendicular to the floor as you reach your fingertips outward.
3.       Hold pose for at least 10 seconds.  Repeat, using opposite leg. 

Warrior II Pose
Warrior III

1.       From Warrior I pose, bring hands to hips as you transfer your weight to your front foot, kicking up your back leg. 
2.       Bring torso forward till it is parallel to the mat.  Keep your neck relaxed.
3.       Keep both hips pointing towards floor as you bring your back leg in line with your body.
4.       Hold pose for at least 10 seconds.  Repeat, using opposite leg.
Warrior III Pose


Core Strength:

Mental Strength:

Strength Poses:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Flexibility benefits in Yoga

 Hi, im Shirann and im about to tell you about how flexibility in yoga does alot of good for your body. Enjoy [:
Yoga stretches your muscles and your joints, ridding your body of lactic acid which is a waste produced from muscle cells when you do other forms of exercise other than yoga. The more yoga you do, the less muscle soreness you will have when doing any kind of exercise. If you have a rigid and stiff body, yoga will relieve the tension and you will start to notice more flexibility in all areas of your body.
When your body is more flexible, you are able to move about more freely and your chances of being injured are less likely then when your body and muscles are stiff because you it will take your body less time to recover. Not only that, the function of your joints will also improve. You can do yoga to gain flexibility at any age. It is helpful for you as you get older because people say that as you get older, your flexibility starts to decrease.

Balance Benefits of Yoga

When you are imbalanced in your body, there can be a lot of negative consequences.  It can lead to or directly cause pain and discomfort in your body, which in turn causes stress, externally as well as internally.  Increasing your balance through Yoga can relieve you of stress and even out the strength throughout your whole body, making you even stronger and more flexible and coordinated overall.  Imbalance can also lead to injury, especially as you age.  The physical benefits achieved through Yoga may or may not be provided by other forms of exercise that are commonly practiced in the world today.  It is the internal, spiritual benefits of Yoga that are compelling and that really make it a special exercise.  Balance in Yoga is as much about the balance between your separate muscles, thoughts and feelings as it is about the balance between your physical, mental and emotional beings as a whole, and the relationships between them. Balance is key to any type of relationship and a good relationship between your own major elements is essential to ultimate personal satisfaction, understanding and ability to apply to life.

- Jake